Sunday, October 26, 2008

A couple weeks ago, we had a small snow storm. We were inside decorating halloween cookies when it started looking like a blizzard outside. Sydnie lost interest in the cookies and went outside to catch some snow. It's still in our fridge - I should probably get rid of it now.

Then she decided to go sledding. Since we do not have a real sled, she tried our garbage can lid...

When that didn't work, she tried just sledding without anything - right on her stomache. As you can see, there wasn't that much snow so it didn't work very well. She had fun and that's all that matters.
Then she picked the last of our carrots - we are slowly getting better at our container gardening. Hopefully next year we'll have an extraordinary one!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Here are some quick pictures we took at our 3rd grade 'photo shoot'. I kind of think the pictures they take at school are a little boring, so I always like to take my own. Plus, we have so much fun looking for the perfect spot and the perfect pose. I hope you enjoy these. I will get more pics and wordage up later. We are both alive and well plus we finally have internet at home so I'm hoping to update at least once a week now.