Sunday, November 09, 2008

And finally, we are caught up. Here is Sydnie and TJ on halloween. In case you can't tell, Sydnie is a Ritz cracker - her trick-or-treat bag is a cracker box. I made her dress in orange to be cheese. It took her weeks to decide what to be - what a creative girl! TJ was an Emoo (I don't know how to spell it, but it's a sad, depressed person or something like that anyway).

I got off work early (the kids didn't have school, again) and we took TJ, Gavin, Sydnie, Gramma, Julie, and myself to a corn maze. Then that evening, we had TJ and his mom over for dinner and trick or treating. For dinner we had 'mummy' pizzas and 'eyeball' carrots. The haunted house in the back ground was by Sydnie at school. She did a great job! After dinner and trick-or-treating, we went to TJ's house and watched 'Nightmare before Christmas'. All in all we had a fun day!

We must have pumpkins in October. Sydnie and I picked out pumpkins to carve. She had her heart set on carving this one because it had a mark on it that looked like a scar. She immediately thought it would make a great frankenstein.

Ewe - digging out the insides! I don't like the way my kitchen smells during this process, but it leaves quickly.

And here is her finished product. What a great creation!

Whew - we are almost caught up! Nope, this isn't halloween. During red ribbon week (say no to drugs) at school, they got to do different things every day. This day was crazy hair day - do you like what we came up with? It was a little difficult to get out that night, but fun for the day.

The week after Syd's birthday, she had the opportunity to dance with the local high school drill team at a football game. The night was freezing, but Syd had fun. See if you can pick her out in the photo.

Here is a picture of her and her friend after they performed. As you can see, she was not being very cooperative that night for pictures.

Sydnie wanted sea creatures for her birthday cake theme. She has had a fascination with the Lochness Sea Monster recently. Since I counldn't find one, I made one with a huge gummy snake I found. I made everyone try it, even though it was disgusting. The cake was yummy though and Sydnie love it! Happy #9 Sydnie! She is growing into a beautiful young lady!

Opening presents.

And wearing the bow - what a cutie!

To celebrate our birthdays, Syd wanted to go to Lagoon. The had it decorated fun for halloween. I made Syd pose for several pictures and go through a few haunted houses. You can't see very well, but inside this old hurse was a scary looking werewolf thing - ooooh, so scary!

This was a fun miniature circus - Syd, TJ and Koree posed fun behind the glass.

Sydnie loved the merry-go-round!

Sydnie wanted me to take this picture of her holding the flower. I thought it was a fun one.

We have had a very busy last couple of weeks. We didn't celebrate Syd's birthday until the weekend after. She didn't have school on her birthday, so was able to spend the day with Gramma and some cousins. When I get pictures from her Gramma of what they did, I will post them. We had a little celebration our selves that evening - I bought her favorite cookies, put a candle in it, and sang to her. We had fun! and of course she thought it was a little silly.