Sunday, August 30, 2009

One of the highlights of 3rd grade that I just have to share with you, is Syd's play. They were in groups of 4 and had to right a play, make any backdrops, props, or costumes, and then perform it in front of the class. Syd's group did a spoof on The Boy Who Cried Wolf. It was called The Cat Who Cried Mouse. I was laughing so hard, I almost fell out of my chair. Her teacher filmed it, so as soon as I get a copy, I will upload it so you can all see. Sydnie played the mindless servant and the narator. Great job Syd!

1 comment:

mama bear said...

I bet it was so cute! I totally remember doing things like that and I was so afraid. Syd is so cute, and very entertaining, I can't wait to see it!